UndyedYarnpire’s Fiber Opera

December 8, 2010

Fixing a dropped stitch.

Filed under: discussion, instructions, knit — UndyedYarnpire @ 10:24 pm

Sock progress:
I noticed when I was doing the Tardis socks (nicknamed “Phantom Phonebooth”) that the method I had used to pick up stitches along the side of the square while making the toe… (if you have the Cat Bordhi sock book I, it was the “pontoon toe” as described in the master toe section.) left an unpleasant texture on the inside of the sock. So I frogged and restarted. I am still in the midst of the toe increase section (toe-up socks.)

That got me thinking about my method for fixing dropped stitches. I have not seen anyone else do this and I should probably photograph it so you can see. I put the good stitch at the bottom of the ladder on my right needle tip. I lift the first ladder onto the right needle tip. Then I pass the good stitch over the ladder, like for casting off. Then I grab the next ladder and repeat. It works really well and is extremely helpful if you do not happen to have a crochet hook. However it is not a flexible method. If you are fixing garter stitch or are on the purl side or pick up a stitch inverted, it never looks perfect again. I can, with the diagram in front of me, pick up dropped stitches with a crochet hook, but when I have 3 people waiting for help, I need something faster and where I look like I know what I am doing.

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